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 September 26, 2011: A TV-documentary in English about a Lunchtime Concert with pianist Gustav Krogh Hansen Piekut earlier this year (February 10, 2011) at The University of Southern Denmark, SDU, at Odense airs throughout the week of September 26 - October 2, 2011 on ALT, Aabenraa Lokal TV on the TV Sønderjylland (TV-SDJ) network. The program will be permanently available HERE and during the broadcast week also HERE. In addition to concert clips, the program features interviews in which Gustav Krogh Hansen Piekut, Assoc. Prof. Cynthia M. Grund and Søren R. Frimodt-Møller, PhD participate.

The TV-documentary "Musik for folket!" (in Danish) was filmed during the November 11,2010 lunchtime concert and through a series of interviews with Carsten Sj¸dahl, Jane Bonne, Leif Jensen, Søren R. Frimodt-M¸ller, Janus Høgfeldt Araghipour and Cynthia M. Grund, it recounts the story behind the lunchtime concert series at SDU. The program airs November 22-29, 2010 on ALTV and is permanently available from November 22 HERE. For continually updated information on the lunchtime concert series at SDU, please see


Network Coordinator,
Editor and Webmaster for

Please note that this is the way the website for
Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics
appeared as of June 30, 2014, the concluding date for the period during which the network was funded by NordForsk 2010-2014. Founded in 2007, NNIMIPA was initially funded by NordPlus. This website was started in February 2010 while NNIMIPA was still a NordPlus network, and it contains extensive documentation of the activities within NNIMIPA from its inception in 2007 until the final date for the NordForsk grant in June 2014.
The contacts that were established among researchers in the Nordic area and beyond through NNIMIPA have resulted in myriad cooperative research efforts. A significant number of these activities continue to be documented on the website which you are most welcome to visit.
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